Cotton Bra


Cotton Bra-Its matter of comfort

Comfort is the most important since you are wearing your bra for more than 8 hours a day. If comfort is the most essential part when you shop for a bra, you must prefer a naturally soft and smooth fabric on your skin. Cotton bras have all these qualities and can be great. Cotton is the right choice for its softness, comfortability, durability, and easy washing.

For Your Comfort

First of all, the fabric of your bra is super important when you want comfort, support, and shape. The cotton fabric is the right choice though it is extremely soft and comfortable, absorbent, and easily washable.

For Long Lasting

Cotton fabric is one of the most durable, uniform, longer, and sustainable fabrics. This results in the softness of the fabric, holding shape, longer, and giving you the support that you need. So, whenever you shop for a cotton bra, must check the composition and fabric blends being used.

For Freshness and hygiene

Cotton fabric is breathable and quick-dry than synthetic fabric keeping you fresh and odor-free all long day. It helps you stay fresh by reducing the odor from sweat.

Cotton fabric bras are the best choice under a t-shirt, Kurti, even under a glamorous blouse. You can choose the perfect match with your dress and a proper fit as per your need at Haya Zone. Check out our cotton bras collection